Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bowling Interview

We had to read an Interview that our professor did on her project site when she was younger. This was to give us an example or outline for what we should do for our project site. I found the writing very helpful and interesting because of the way it was written. Isn't wasn't really as formal as I thought it would of been, but at the same time, it was very descriptive and got its point across. This helped me get a better picture of how im going to constrict my interview and also helped me narrow down who i should be interviewing.

I also presented my presentation on a What makes a successful Presentation. I think i did a good job but my only problem was that I did a few of the things that i told people not to do when giving a presentation. For example i said that you should point out your mistakes, but once I noticed that I made a quick typo on my slide, I quickly apologized to the class, which I shouldn't have done.

My Presentation

I came down with strep throat at the time of our presentations, sop I had a different assignment from everyone else. My original assignment was to observe my classmates presentations and talk to the class about the "good" and "bad" of their presentations. unfortunately I also missed my classmates presentation so instead I was allowed to present my power point on what makes a presentation successful in general. Since I was alone in this project, I was in charge of doing my own paper, creating my own slide show, and also presenting all of my information by myself.

Portfolio Link

15 Minute Observation

For this blog I had to observe a spot that wasn't my project site. This was done so we could get a lot more practice taking notes and observing people. I chose to observe the weight room at Kelly gym, which completely differs from the Tinsley gym. In the Kelly gym there wasn't really a big amount of people because it inst really a people friendly environment. Its small and hot which isn't real ideal for people who want to get a good workout. I noticed that the people that are there, are there to really get a workout because the equipment isn't that great and there aren't really a lot of mirrors to look at yourself but they still were working out with no distractions. I also noticed that most of the guys in there were wearing Bridgewater Football apparel, so I'm guessing that's the gym that the team uses. You get a completely different feel in this gym compared to the Tinsley gym because the music is so loud and there isn't really enough room for you to fool around so if you aren't focused in this gym, it is really easy for others to catch you slacking off because you will just be sitting around in a small gym. I saw a kid drop a 5 pound weight on the side of his shoe and he was in a lot of pain. He was looking around to see if anyone saw what he just did, but when he looked at me, I just looked away because I didn't want to seem like a creep. I would trash talk the Kelly gym, but is def worth the money you pay to use it. (Free gym.)

Friday, February 11, 2011

What we have done in class.

I really enjoyed reading Nicole William's Iresearcher essay. The essay really gave me a better insight of her life and her childhood. I'm not really into bowling, but she definitely made it sound interesting and it made me reminiscence when I was younger. I used to go to the bowling alley a lot with my family but i used to get frustrated becasue i sucked and everyone else in my family was good. They wouldn't even leave the bumper up for me. But i enjoyed reading about her experience in the bowling alley and it really helped me write my own essay.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Project Site

Since this semester Ive changed my major to Criminal Justice, I think its a good Idea to use the on campus police station as my site. I think this will be a site that will really catch my interest and have me wanting t visit it more than I actually have to for this project. I also believe that it will put me steps ahead of people that want to get into the criminal justice scene and don't know anything about it. I think I will have a lot of fun there and observe different things new day. I'm very excited to start heading over there already.

I do have a few questions about my project site. My first question is about permission to enter the building. Would I have to ask a certain person for permission to enter the building? And also I don't really have a specific spot in the building that I am interested in observing, only becasue I'm not really familiar with the building so I dont know what they have to offer. I feel like once I get these questions out of the way then everything will have a smooth transition and i will have a lot of fun

Friday, January 28, 2011

First Blog of Spring Semester

I just got into the class and still havent bought the books needed so I am just writing this blog so you can know that I am still doing the work :)